"The day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful than the risk it took to bloom”
Anais Nin

Jack: Marianna provides a judgement-free and creative space to express yourself freely and with 100% honesty. I genuinely felt safe in every one of my sessions and found the progression within the room and in my life, that I was hoping for. I would recommend Marianna as a therapist to anybody who is struggling with things that don’t seem to be improving or are getting worse.

Kate: Marianna has a great warmth to her personality and approach and this makes the sessions comfortable, even when discussing distressing and difficult subjects. Marianna took the time to understand me, posed all the right questions and gave me an outlet that no one else could. It's important to find someone you connect with for these sessions and Marianna certainly made this feel natural and easy. I would highly recommend sessions with Marianna.

Jacqueline: After carefully researching the BACP listings, I chose Marianna as my counsellor in therapy. I felt her profile, experience and expertise matched my needs to effectively support and guide me in my unexpected grief. Drawing on her expertise in Person-Centred therapy, alongside other complementary approaches tailored to my needs, Marianna helped me understand and address my grief issues. Making sense of what had been unfathomable has felt revelatory. It has been a privilege to embark on this journey with Marianna. Through her professional integrity and compassion, she created a unique healing space that has allowed me, over time to evolve and connect to my authentic self. For this, I am truly grateful and would not hesitate in recommending Marianna to others.

Suzy H: I had a particular problem with ‘living bereavement’ caused by a failed relationship 25 years ago. I had held my emotions inside for decades. The sense of guilt over issues during the relationship and the longing for it to be re-kindled were slowly crushing me mentally. Marianna created an environment for me to talk candidly about my issue and without judgement. I could really feel the empathy she had with my situation. The sessions gave me the strength to contact my ex-partner for the first time in 25 years and explain my emotions to them. I would recommend Marianna to everybody.

Sandy: I found Marianna very understanding, easy-to-talk-to, compassionate and empathised well with my problems being addressed. I felt better after every session we had. I would absolutely recommend Full Circle Counselling.

Julie: I had issues relating to my Dad dying when I was 9 and my Mum when I was 18. I knew I would be in for the ‘long haul’, yet I felt guided with Marianna at my side through the whole process. I felt guilty at first as if I didn’t merit going through the process, but Marianna, in her calm and collected way helped me realise it was the right thing to do for me. I loved every single session, even the tough ones when tears were shed.

I experienced Talking Therapy, EMDR, Inner Child and Gestalt Therapy. I could not believe how powerful all these methods were. Marianna is an expert in her field; her knowledge and skills permeate all she does. I have learned to put some horrible, painful memories away. They can no longer hurt me now, nor affect my feelings and reactions to things. I feel more at peace with myself than ever before. If you are scared or have any doubts at all, I’d say please see Marianna and at least try her methods. She is utterly amazing and I recommend her without any hesitation.

Shannon: I’ve worked with Marianna over the past few months and she provided an extremely safe and comfortable space for me to discuss and work through my problems. I never felt judged when talking to Marianna and she allowed me to take the pace I needed. After experiencing a dark year, I now feel I’ve come out on the other side and this is all credit to Marianna and the amazing work she did with me. I honestly can’t thank or recommend her enough.

Molly: When I first started working with Marianna, I felt so anxious every day. It affected many of my daily activities and I was in a constant low mood. Over the months, my anxiety has gradually shifted and I’ve been able to accomplish things I would never have tried a year ago. I will always be grateful for my time with Marianna.

Margaret: I cared for my disabled husband for many years and after his death I felt adrift and without a role in life. With Marianna’s gentle encouragement and wonderful listening skills I was able to talk and thus put my life back together again which I certainly couldn't have done on my own without her help. I really looked forward to my sessions with Marianna and thoroughly recommend her as an excellent therapist and a delightful person. A life changing experience.

Aiofe: I came to Marianna's door after having a second depressive episode and feelings of suicidality, brought on by work related stress.  I have seen a few therapists in my life, but Marianna is by far the best.  She uses many different models of therapy, and I found that I particularly benefited from EMDR, which helped me process traumatic memories from my childhood which had precipitated the depression that I had lived with for most of my life.  Those memories, which I had avoided thinking about for over 10 years, no longer bother me.  I looked forward to my appointments with Marianna every week.  It was one hour a week where I could focus on myself and actually getting to the root cause of my mental health issues.  Marianna is a very gentle person with a soothing manner; she is exactly the sort of person you would hope to meet when your life has fallen apart.

Kate: I’ve struggled with stress and anxiety most of my life and have received some other forms of therapy that have been ineffective. Marianna creates a warm and safe environment where I have felt more protected and supported than ever. Allowing me to open up to her and speak truthfully; feeling as if she was someone I had known and trusted for years. With her reassurance and guidance I have begun to set boundaries and protect my own well-being. I’ve gained a greater understanding of my behaviour and the reasons behind my thought processes, by giving me the ability to break down my behaviours and change it for the better. She is kind and understanding, even when I had to return to University and move our appointments to online, she managed to keep the feelings of safety and comfort present even through a screen.

Paula: Before I met Marianna I felt lost, I didn’t know who I was any more, like I’d lost my identity and I felt like I was drowning. Every day was a struggle. I couldn’t cope with normal day to day activities, I couldn’t work and I didn’t want to be around people. I had seen two counsellors, yet no treatment was successful until I was referred to Full Circle for support.  The service I was given has been amazing, each step carefully considered and was the correct treatment to help me deal with my situation. Marianna has completely changed my life. I’m back to work full time which I love and am dealing with everyday activities. I never thought I would see the light at the end of the tunnel but Marianna never gave up and her strength gave me the strength to continue. 

Liam: I had tried many other forms of therapy and nothing seemed to make much of a lasting difference. I feel that the EMDR therapy has dramatically reduced my anxiety and that ‘sick feeling’ I used to get all the time in the pit of my stomach has gone away. Full Circle enabled me to choose the times that suited me and the fact that the service was available at the weekend was excellent. I would 100% recommend Full Circle counselling.

Chloe: Eight months ago, I couldn’t leave the house without worrying, having high anxiety and not enjoying life. I can’t put into words how Full Circle has helped - apart to say, I’m a brand new person. More confident, happy, relaxed, accepting. Full Circle has helped me to become the person I’ve always wanted to be and more. Not just with the PTSD I came with, but with underlying anxiety. Now, I can go back to football matches, gigs and so shopping in Manchester alone and live my best life. The only downside is that it took me one year and seven months to talk myself around to it, as previously I had the worst experience with lots of therapists and almost gave up hope. Full Circle was my last hope and it paid off. There’s not enough words to tell you how grateful I am. Thank you doesn’t cover it!

Colin: I came to Full Circle as I was depressed, after having a breakdown. When I finally admitted that I needed help, I was so scared to have counselling. When I walked through your door, all those fears disappeared. Throughout the time you have worked with me I have become a different person. You have helped me in ways beyond anything I could have hoped or dreamed of. You’ve opened my eyes to a completely different way of life. Now, I have a clear picture of my life and more confidence in myself. Hopefully, this new way of life is going to lead me into an exciting new career. This has been the most rewarding 20 weeks of my life.

Emma: I came to Marianna confused, overwhelmed, frustrated and worn out. Her care and compassion created the perfect space where I felt safe to explore all the issues that were troubling me. In what seems like a remarkably short time, I've started to distil the issues, and begun to create the space I need to grow and nurture my needs. I feel I have the framework to make the first steps towards my longed-for dreams. I feel so excited and much more confident.

Ellie: I was really struggling with life due to PTSD. I was finding daily tasks so hard, so my workplace referred me for EMDR therapy. Counselling has helped me to come to terms with my trauma, it’s given me coping mechanisms going forward and the self-belief I never had. I’m more positive and ready for a new beginning, without carrying the weight of the past. I’m so grateful for the chance to grow as a person and so thankful to Full Circle for helping me get here. I can really say it’s changed my life!

Janine: The counselling has helped me immensely. Marianna listened with empathy and without judgement and I was able to explore the reasons as to why I had found myself in the place I was. By the end of the first session I felt like I found a little piece of ‘me’ back. Marianna believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself and through the sessions, I built strength and confidence to allow myself to heal. The impact of counselling was so great, that if it wasn’t for Marianna I don’t think I’d be back in work. I learnt how to protect myself, become more resilient and create a holistic toolkit to maintain a safe working environment and balance in my life. I couldn’t recommend Full Circle enough.

Debbie: I was very low after losing my husband. I’m the back bone of the family and I can’t show my emotions or talk to many of how I felt or it would be a problem to some people thinking I was wanting sympathy. But I wasn’t, I just needed to talk. I couldn’t have got through this without coming to Full Circle. Marianna never judged me and never thought I was losing my mind. I now feel stronger and I’m able to see things in a different light with the support I have received. Thank you so much for helping me through my darkest days.

Anna: I first accessed therapy to help me deal with issues that I couldn’t discuss with family or friends. Counselling has helped me to tap into issues and help with all aspects of my life. I’m calmer, more accepting, able to deal with stress, slow down, prioritise and prevent a mid-life crisis! Marianna was amazing in building and strengthening my foundations in so many ways. She has made me face problems I never felt possible and enabled me to shine light in dark corners which has made life not so scary.

Katherine: I was put in touch with Full Circle via my employer through the EAP service. Marianna has truly helped me to deal with some of my demons and open up in a way that I’ve never done before. After each session, I’ve felt more equipped to tackle my anxieties and has totally shifted my way of thinking. By unpicking my behaviours, I’ve learnt so much about who I am. Thank you so much for helping me, it’s been life changing.

Phil: I noticed a reduced feeling of well-being and recognised the need to talk about it. I now feel the ‘status quo’ has returned and I’m much stronger to cope and deal with future difficulties. As a first experience of counselling, it’s been invaluable in helping me deal with my issues.

Emily: I came to Full Circle, as I was starting to feel more extreme in my negative thinking and feeling, and this was starting to impact on my energy and concentration levels. In the short time I’ve had with Full Circle, the impact has been huge. It has helped greatly in being able to process and acknowledge parts of me that I have ignored for a long time. I now feel more positive about my future and I’m able to see a path that I can continue to take.

Kathryn: I had reached burn-out and was overwhelmed with anxiety and depression. It was suggested Talking therapy would be of benefit, I had never experienced this before. I’ve gone from an extended period of low mood and anxiety, to a calm mind, with new clarity and positivity. Having this time in therapy to explore my own needs has been pretty much life changing.

Crystal: Coming to counselling has had a huge impact on my day to day life. I’m now able to live happily, complete tasks and interact with people, as myself. I have learnt to prioritise my health and well-being, due to a new compassion and revived self-belief. Full Circle is a friendly, professional and welcoming practice. A thoroughly worthwhile experience, with a dynamic counsellor, who tailors to individual needs and circumstances.

Marie: Coming to Full Circle has given me practical ways to develop my confidence, self-worth and value. I’ve changed my life completely. I’ve changed jobs to develop a greater quality of life. I’m able to manage stress and anxiety much better using a wide range of strategies. Marianna creates a safe space and allows you to feel fully supported. You feel heard and she provides challenge where needed to help manage situations outside of the sessions. My mental health has vastly improved.

Andy: When I came to Full Circle I was at the lowest I had ever felt. During my therapy, I have felt my confidence grow and my troubles disappear. Now I feel very confident of my future.

Katie: Full Circle has had such a positive impact on my life. It’s taught me to value myself, make myself a priority and be more assertive. It’s given me tools so that I can get the best out of a situation. I now enjoy life so much more. I would recommend Full Circle Counselling to anyone who wants to work on themselves. Marianna is easy-to-talk to and really helps you to get the best for you. 

Nigel: Coming to counselling has changed my perception about myself and changed my life.

Stephanie: I was referred for counselling, as I felt I hadn’t dealt with my emotions around my father’s unexpected death. It’s been great being able to tell my version of events with no judgement. Now, I’m coping much better in day to day life, not feeling as guilty about my emotions and have a better relationship with my family. I don’t think I would’ve coped with this life event, if I hadn’t received support from Full Circle.

Hilary: I would highly recommend the service I received from Full Circle. I found the atmosphere of the room to be very calming and relaxing compared to previous experiences of therapy. The service I received was outstanding and the advice was practical and actually worked.

Lauren: I’m much happier now, stronger and resilient to a lot of things I wouldn’t have managed well before coming to Full Circle. There’s been improvements in relationships, self-confidence, motivation and a sense of self-worth. This experience of therapy has far exceeded expectations when I first attended of what would be possible as an outcome! The welcoming and supportive environment has made the process of unravelling and rebuilding myself a positive, rather than a traumatic, experience.

Louise: I first came to Full Circle as I had Postnatal depression, was anxious, tearful and short-tempered. I found the counselling amazing. It’s helped me to make sense of how I feel and the fears I had. I now feel so much more positive about my life and about tackling problems in the future. I'm more enjoyable to be around, I’m not constantly snapping at my family, nor do they walk on eggshells. I feel like I’m making the most of my life. 

Claire: Full Circle helped me to feel more grounded, calmer and less angry. I’ve worked through some bigger issues that I’ve been suppressing for a long time. Thank you so much.

Emma: I first came to Full Circle, after I had experienced a road traffic accident. Marianna has been my rock, whilst I’ve been attending sessions. She listened intently and I’ve valued her honest feedback. As a result of counselling, my way of thinking is more positive and I’m happier with my life. I wish there was more counsellors like Marianna to help people with mental health problems. Full Circle is amazing and comes highly recommended.

Karen: Coming to Full Circle has helped me manage my feelings and address my problems, rather than suppressing them. Marianna put me at ease the whole time. I felt comfortable discussing matters with her, something I thought I wouldn’t really do.

Rachael: I’d been to a lot of counsellors previously, but hadn’t been able to access old beliefs that were holding me back. I found Full Circle a professional and experienced service, in helping me to focus on overcoming deep-rooted issues.